Review of Indigenous

Indigenous (2014)
I have never been more angry after seeing a film.
8 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This is probably the only movie I have ever reviewed, because I have to warn other to NOT SEE THIS MOVIE. There are many other people saying that "the story isn't original" but if a movie can be unoriginal, but good then it doesn't really matter, does it? I don't care about the unoriginality, I care about everything else. Let's start with the lighting. The daytime scenes are so bright that you almost can't see anything except the actors faces. During the night scenes, it looks like it takes place during the day, it's so bright. Please turn the brightness down for your horror movie. Now I'm going to move on to the characters. The characters are an ensemble of unidentifiable and unmemorable teenagers that are indistinguishable from each other. I couldn't remember a thing about any of the characters except that one of the girls wanted to be a veterinarian or something. There is nothing to make you care about any of them, so their deaths don't carry any weight. There is also this other character that is a local that tells them "I went to this waterfall when I was a kid, but DONT GO THERE because now there is a monster in the jungle." The main characters just go "oh, that waterfall sounds cool, so let's go drive 70 MILES to go there." The local guy realizes that they didn't listen to him and drives after them, and during this part I told my dad "watch him find the EXACT place they park" and he FINDS WHERE THEY PARK. (Laughing too hard) He then starts to look for them, gets scared by some noises, and then LEAVES after just driving 70 miles to go after them. The audio in this movie is not memorable at all. One of the characters speaks to one of the local girls who is with them in English, but then she speaks back in Spanish? I dont know why they can't just choose a language to speak in. The main character starts to make a livestream asking for help, but then finds his friend who ran away from the monster with some of the girls and he is bleeding to death. He records his friend dying on the floor for the livestream and the first thing he says to him is "where are the girls?" I DON'T KNOW, maybe they RAN AWAY?? How about some concern for your FRIEND who is DYING right in front of you? The military is called by that local guy and they kill the monster only after one of the girls dies right in front of them and they didn't even attempt to stop it. Good job military guys, you were the best characters and you failed to save people even after showing up. They kill the chupacabra and that's the end. Nothing to think about. No questions left unanswered, they show everything that happens. Characters that don't listen. Horrible lighting. Forgettable sound. Magic characters that can find a car 70 miles away. Characters that are determined enough to drive 70 miles after people, but aren't determined enough to help them when they actually get there. Characters that don't care about their friends. What even happened in this movie? I put too much effort into this review. Just please don't watch this movie.
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