Review of Bronx SIU

Bronx SIU (2018– )
8 September 2018
Oh my, is this all it takes to get a paycheck in American Television, if so, I am on the first flight out to Hollywood, or rather the Bronx!

Truly awful B movie style acting, I don't know what they are doing with the audio, but it is awful throughout, the only saving grace is visually it is shot quite well, if you can forgive the jerky camera movements and the weird repetitive scenes, as if it is rewinding then playing again over the course of a few seconds...Bizarre!

I didn't really know the actors/tresses but there was no stand out performance and it was all really poorly done. One scene were the female lead cop is in a bar, holding a whisky shot and just looks really weird, not sure if the idea was to suggest she was struggling to cast her demons aside and drink it, or if it was supposed to suggest she was so drunk she couldn't drink it, I just wish I looked that sober when drunk! Then the following scene is so cringe.

I have never seen such glamorous drug addled prostitutes with such perfect teeth and total lack of track marks or even a blemish of dirt either, and what punter sits in a car after a mouth muzzle and just acts like a knife to his throat is like getting a drive through burger, even stating he will 'see you tomorrow!' after?

I have no idea who watches stuff like this and thinks, yeah that is akin to law and order SVU or Criminal Minds, or any similar show, I do know it seems to be a sad state of American TV these days, as its probably no worse than the likes of 911 or any other similar show released in the last year.

Maybe the joke is on me and this was just a jokey style script for some telethon event, but even then, just can it and move on!
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