Good mix of commentary, thescience and re-enactment, ending is conjecture
9 September 2018
To the reviewer who had a problem with the "thal" being pronounced "tal" -- English is a Germanic language and there are various pronunciations and it is most accurate to go with the German pronunciation for places that are in Germany -- such as the Neander Valley which is pronounced in German: "Neander-tal". In fact they also vary in English itself: Do you pronounce Thomas, Thyme or Thailand with a "th" or 't" sound?

To the reviewer who said the documentary was based on "no evidence;" if you are referring to the conjecture as to the extinction of the Neanderthal in the documentary, yes they do go overboard with drama and give undue weight to non mainstream theories (which is why it deserves no more than a 7. But please the evidence of Neaderthals from about 400,000 BP is not contested by anyone. We know a huge amount about their anatomy, genetics, relationship to us on the human and hominid family tree, and also have some fairly good evidence as to their lifeways. The documentary is not a good representation on what the science says about their extinction/absorption, but is otherwise factual.
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