Excellent and inspiring film
13 September 2018
In the early 90s Brazil introduced the Real Plan, which brought much needed financial and economic stability to the country. For the first time in decades Brazilians were able to make long-term plans, so essential to building a successful future. That story is told in the film "Real: O Plano Por Trás Da História" And now we have an even better film that shows the even more important change that is taking place in the country, by giving the people a sense of justice - that nobody is above the law. It is a process that is still evolving, hence the need to protect the individuals involved, and is encountering resistance from a PT appointed Supreme Court that is systematically releasing many of the corrupt politicians who have been convicted and sentenced to prison terms under the Car Wash Operation. Watch this film to understand this vital process in the development of a country that has all the ingredients to be a success on the world stage - bar this essential building block of rule of law. Let us hope and pray that the story will have a happy ending! The Brazilian people are counting on it and will hopefully vote accordingly in October.
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