SCTV Network: Compilation (1981)
Season 1, Episode 4
A great collection of past sketches
13 September 2018
There is no story line in this one, just a bunch of sketches from the classic syndication era.

First we get David Brinkley (Moranis) talking about hashish. Next is Edith Prickley doing a funny cooking show with a the Rhythm Ace, which has music to go with the cooking. She then introduces a commercial with her sister Edna Boil who owns an organ store with her husband Tex. Johnny LaRue plays Mr. Science who is caught napping by a little boy, LaRue teaches him about making coffee and smoking a cigarette.

Next set starts with a hilarious Sammy Maudlin Show. Bobby Bittman is the guest, making jokes so bad it's hysterical. He then tries some "prop" humor with a large telephone. He is interrupted by Bob Hope who crashes the show to plug his new special about his trip to China. He shows some outtakes of trying to make the Chinese laugh. After that, Bittman tries to do his routine again but is interrupted this time by Danny Thomas (Tony Rosato) who gives him a spit-take. There is a great parody of Taxi Driver with different actors doing DeNiro's famous "you talkin to me" scene. It is done by Woody Allen, Gregory Peck (great impression by Flaherty) and Sid Dithers.

A very funny parody of "What's My Line" is next, called "What's My Shoe Size". O'Hara is Dorothy Kilpatrick (Kilgallen), Thomas is Bennett Cerb (Cerf), Martin is wisecracking Arlene Franklin (Francis) and Flaherty is guest panelist Kirk Douglas. The contestant is played by John Candy with a size 16 shoes.

Automobile exec Lee Ioccoca (Thomas) hosts a rock show. Barbra Streisand ( Martin) does a duet with Slim Whitman on "You Don"t Bring Me Flowers" though she calls the yodeling singer an idiot. Next guest is Levy as singer Gino Vanelli, a then popular singer with a hairy chest. The joke in this is he keeps getting hairier during his song "I Just Wanna Stop" until turns into a gorilla!. Last guest is Rick Moranis as Ringo Starr (made up like Ringo circa 1965).

A hilarious parody follows called "The Man Who Would Be King Of The Popes" with great impressions of Peter O'Toole (Flaherty), Richard Burton (Candy), Richard Harris (Thomas) and Katherine Hepburn (O'Hara).

Prini Scleroso stars in a version of "My Fair Lady". Then we get "Mel's Rock Pile" a dance show with a hopelessly unhip host Mel Slirrup (Levy). Dave Thomas reprises his Richard Harris impression and lip synchs to "MacArthur Park"and gets hit with a brick.

Last sketch is Joe Flaherty playing a father trying to tell scary stories to his son but the kid is never scared. Finally he tells a story about killer rats which literally scares the kid to death. The little boy is the same one that played the kid in the Mr Science sketch.
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