Review of Residue

Residue (2015)
there's only 3 episodes and almost nothing happens until the last 30 minutes
14 September 2018
I often found that I have a habit of being distinctly uninterested in getting into shows, and often needing to go past the first episode before being hooked in any way. I gave this show that chance, after being left by the first episode with a sensation I can describe not so much as confusion as merely a sense of incompletion. Virtually nothing happened in the first episode, except for some seemingly random events with some random characters in a needlessly, aggressively dark London setting in which an explosion at a nightclub somehow leads to a tiny section of the city being cordoned off and quarantined due to an unspecified "contamination"

The protagonists are a photographer Jennifer and a member of the Home Department Jonas, as well as a miscellaneous cop whose daughter died in the bombing. Jennifer is seeing spooky ghosties with her camera randomly appearing around people ever since the bombing. Jonas wants to go into the quarantine zone. The miscellaneous cop wants answers and demands this repeatedly.

By episode three, the story actually begins in earnest. And then once it ends, on a cliffhanger, the series abruptly ends.

I feel it is a disservice to review a series in such a way that merely lays out the synopsis, spoilers and all, while casting judgment on the story rather than to go further in terms of intent, atmosphere, theme, and whether the experience of going through it is even fun to begin with.

Even when watching a bad series, I can look through those elements that went into the making of the series, and often find some measure of purpose or intent in them. "This series made an attempt at addressing a socio-economic issue, despite it being boring and badly acted", or "this series was kitschy and overly dramatic but it was genuinely fun to watch it unfold".

This is one of those rare (fragments of a) series where absolutely none of those elements are going for it. There is a perpetual doom and gloom, pseudo-cyberpunky noir vibe to this whole series, which comes in bits and pieces given how absurdly short it is, and entire (unresolved) subplots that come and go right before our eyes that would make absolutely no sense even if the series lasted longer than 3 episodes.

It's the type of series where people don't talk to each other so much as moodily emote at one another, while giving dialogue not so much written as generated via an algorithm of stereotypes, "The Gritty Alcoholic Cop", "The Blatantly Sinister Dirty Cop", "The Sneering Lying Bureaucrat", "The No-Nonsense Token Chick", "The Flamboyant Lower-Level Crime Boss".

This is one of the only series that I can genuinely say I felt I wasted my time watching. It's almost insulting to insinuate this as sci-fi or horror given that it abruptly ends after the third episode, coming out in 2015, and it is currently September 2018 with no further news on it.

IF they filmed more than 3 episodes and Netflix is inexplicably sitting on the episodes (which feels uncharacteristic to me given that Netflix by its very nature doesn't have to abide by a weekly rating schedule and just dumps entire new seasons of new shows all at once), then this might be worth salvaging if only these episodes would be released. If they just filmed the 3, with the expectation of making more after gauging public interest, then it was a complete waste of time.
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