Thoroughly Disappointed
15 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
There is so much I didn't like about this movie it's hard to know where to start. And what's worse is that I am a huge Star Wars fan and I feel the franchise has been betrayed by people who do not appreciate it as it deserves (namely Kathleen Kennedy and Rian Johnson).

What the heck??!?! Why did Luke toss the lightsaber??? Really??!!! This all by itself seems to reflect the lack of passion the producer and director of this film have for the franchise. It makes ABSOLUTELY no sense.

Porgs are flying Ewoks.

Caretakers are just... odd and devoid of any real significance.

The giraffe sea cow milking scene was just rediculous.

The spear fishing made no sense since he could have done it from the other side instead of jumping over to the cliff.

The Jedi Training was a joke

Po's reckless scheme at the beginning of the film was absolutely suicidal for the Resistance fleet.

Holdo's treatment toward Po was rediculous and another SJW feminist power trip that had no place in the film.

The Fin and Rose mission was absurd. Including the traitor code breaker.

I mean, if Kenedy and Johnson's visión was to do everything possible to destroy everything beautiful about Star Wars - they did it. I vote a recall of a The Last Jedi. Somebody needs to fix this.
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