Knights of Sidonia (2014– )
Entertaining yet derivative of other anime mecha-classics.
17 September 2018
Knights of Sidonia has some good stuff going for it, but I find the animation distracting from the story at times. Sometimes it's incredible, even beautiful; other times you can tell that this a 'three-dimensional imitation' of traditional cel-animation and the look still hasn't grown on me yet. It's difficult to describe how exactly I feel about the animation style: the fight sequences look great, but everything outside of that still feels oddly alien to me (the jerky CGI at play here is not a substitute for that traditional animation look). With that said, there is stuff to enjoy here. It's a legit space-opera with some good music and stories to tell, but it's far from perfect.

'Knights' gets 3.5/5 stars.
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