The Crossing (2000 TV Movie)
The Pirates of the Caribbean of America
18 September 2018
I watched this film in my History through film class and these are my thoughts on it. This film is about George Washington and how he crossed the river Delaware to win the battle of Trenton against the Hessian army. Things to notice because of the time period were things like the camera quality. With this movie not only being made in 2000, but also for TV, the camera quality is.... on par. Nothing really made me question this movies historical accuracy. Some things I liked about this movie was my title of this review. It is very classic in its style of fighting. It makes you go for patriots and be proud to be an AMERICAN.Some things I didn't really like was the casting of George Washington. To me, I just don't see Jeff Daniels being George Washington. He does a good job in the role but I don't see him being Washington. The other thing is how halfway through the movie, they just pick this one random solider to follow in crowds and the story line. You wonder why the story decides to include this average solider that you don't even know. You find out in the final battle when this random guy is the one who shoots Colonel Rall in the chest, and he dies. In closing, this movie is pretty decent. It's not to bad for time, but I wouldn't watch this as a entertainment movie. More as a war history film.
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