Rivers 9 (2015)
Not a casino win
19 September 2018
Liked the concept, while not an original one it was intriguing and there was the potential for 'Rivers 9' to have an element of fun, and have an appreciation for the genre 'Rivers 9' belongs in. The cast is not a halfway bad one, not great but they're hardly F-list. It is always interesting somewhat having the casino used as a setting in films.

Seeing 'Rivers 9', it is lacking in a lot of areas, quite badly, and not what one calls a good film. Didn't find it terrible or unwatchable at the same time, there are far worse films around, ones that show less enthusiasm or effort. Both of which can be seen sporadically in 'Rivers 9', if not all the way through. The potential was there, the execution was not and that potential is near-wasted, which is a shame actually.

'River 9's' best asset is the cast, most giving better than average performances. Particularly Thomas Downey as an amiable and gritty lead and C. Thomas Howell having a ball in a rather underused role. Vinnie Jones does show charisma and intensity, not looking disengaged. The music doesn't come over over-bearingly or inappropriately.

Visually, 'Rivers 9' is not an eyesore and has some slickness. There are moments of excitement and tension.

Neither of which coming consistently sadly. Tighter pacing would have helped, as a result of the story for the concept being on the thin side that filling enough content for the length was a stretch. It is too predictable to have much suspense and thrills and structurally it's pretty all over the place. The conflict wasn't that threatening and it didn't feel that much was at stake with so much familiar ground being trodden.

The script is also quite clunky and not easy to take seriously, with some humour that didn't land or fit. So it was difficult to decide whether to take it seriously or not, the serious story and less than tight pace indicated the former but then there is the humour and some camp stereotypical characters that made me not so sure. There is an exception to the cast and that is Elisabeth Rohm, rather wooden and one-note for my taste though her role is thankless. The film did lose plausibility towards the end and then ends on a too hasty and pat note.

Concluding, lacklustre and messy but could have been much worse. 4/10 Bethany Cox
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