Man of stool plumbs the depths of crappiness
20 September 2018
My how the mighty have fallen. Dean Cain, AKA Superman dreamboat of the 90s, must have been huffing kryptonite for the good part of a decade to have landed in this sub-mediocre pit of sloppy refuse. The acting is so limp and robotic that I'm convinced they spent 99% of the film's budget on SFX to edit out the scripts that must have been in the hands of the spaced-out junkie vagrants they filmed doing a first screen test read-through. The problem is they then had no budget to hire actual actors or production team after this exercise, and had to get an elementary school media class to salvage and cut together the film from the screen test footage. That would also explain the crappy sets, drab lighting and colour work, irritatingly slovenly timing and rhythm, and hollow emptiness that this film fills the space around it with. I gave it 100 minutes of my life, and it managed to drain a week I will never get back.
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