Swept Under (2015 TV Movie)
So many head twists and turns its better than any rollercoaster ride
20 September 2018
Impressive for a made for TV movie. This would have done well in a chain of movie theaters and we got to see it for free on TV. What a bargoon!!!!

The overall story is of a post murder scene cleaner named Morgan Sher (Devin Kelley) who gets hired by the local police stations to clean up the blood and brain matter left on walls and furniture from residences after the murder scene is cleared by the detectives, impresses one of the new detectives named Nick Hopewell (Aaron Ashmore).

So the murder scene cleaner Morgan and the novice detective Nick start discussing the murder scene and what may have caused the murder in the first place. Before you know it, the two new friends start finding more dead bodies which seem to all have a few common elements to their murder scenes.

I don't want to spoil any of the better than average story line with its twists and turns but suffice to say the film is well worth watching. In fact I will be looking for it in the future to watch it again.

I love a good mystery/suspense/thriller and SWEPT UNDER fits that bill. i give this made for TV movie a solid 8 out of 10 rating
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