Medium: Bring Your Daughter to Work Day (2010)
Season 7, Episode 1
Very Entertaining Episode
23 September 2018
This is a "Freaky Friday" episode, where mother and daughter - Bridgette in this case - switch bodies and have to live out each other's lives for a short period of time. The episode is definitely entertaining and a nice break from the almost always serious tone of every other episode, but it isn't without its flaws.

For a start, any of the serious scenes with Bridgette in Allison's body tend to feel cringy, because you know she's making a fool out of herself, but it doesn't have the comedy to be able to laugh it off. Also, the fact the show tends to be serious, and a lot of this episode is that also, makes the comedy feel out of place. It just feels odd to go immediately from two characters discussing someone's death to Bridgette doing something weird while in her mother's body. And lastly, on a logical level it seems silly that Joe didn't alert Allison's boss as to what was going on and that he didn't figure out a way to keep tabs on Bridgette.

Overall, I'm glad they made the episode and it's definitely one worth watching, but it certainly isn't something I'd want again or as the new tone of the show.
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