Spoilers! I recommend this movie
24 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
#AssassinationNation 9/10

SPOILER ALERT!!! Yes I'm posting spoilers because 90% of the people that read this aren't going to see the movie anyway. If you are planning to see it, good, I highly recommend it! This is not a movie about teenage angst, which was the impression I got from the trailer. Ten minutes in, when I saw Bill Skarsgard, Anika Rose and Joel McHale, I got really curious, why would they sign on to this little indie teeny bopper flick? 15 minutes in when I realized one of the lead characters was transgender, I was reeled in. This movie is about America. How our society is being overrun by "mob mentality" and how those who realize it is wrong, choose to sit quiet and literally let people DIE rather than stand up and risk the mob turning on them. This movie is about America and how misogynistic it is, how intolerant of ANYONE that is Different from what "they" deem to be normal. Who are "they" you ask, glad you did. "They" are White Males, who assert their power & privilege and turn a blind eye to their own wrongdoings. They persecute others for doing the same things that they do. When they are caught in the wrong, i.e. in this movie when the hacker exposes personal information, they don't own their faults, instead they seek to villainize those who exposed them...sound familiar? OMG this sounds racist but it is not, if you know me, you know I'm not a racist but these are the facts that America was built upon. If a woman is assaulted by a White man, she did something to deserve it and she is vilified as a whore while society seeks a way to "save" him. If someone is not a standard heterosexual, they are demonized and attacked, while straight White men justify all of their immoral, sexual proclivities with "We are Good People". Parts of this movie were painful to watch, I literally almost walked out twice, just the brutality but also the frustration because this is our reality! Some of the staging was really "in your face" but by the end of the film I realize that they had to exaggerate to get the point across, to get me to see how I too buy into the stereotypes. At the end of the day/movie, the person who was revealed to be the real "villain" was, of course, a White male teenager. When asked why he did it, he responded "For the LOLs". I love the empowerment of women in this film, I love the strength shown by the Black characters, I love the fortitude shown by the young man pressured by his football team to do the wrong thing. This movie is excellent. It is time for the White Men of America to realize that they are not superior to any other sex, race, religion on this earth.
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