Strangers (I) (2018)
Straining my credibility
26 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
As I watched the first episode of this show, something vague was gnawing at the back of my brain. It wasn't until the episode concluded that I was finally able to put my finger on it - none of the characters had a normal emotional response to anything going on in the drama. It's as if the screenplay was written by a robot...

The Hong Kong family is apparently completely indifferent to Megan's death (and her bigamous lifestyle) - not even mildly curious - and the local authorities are treating a dead (and possibly murdered) English woman with a double life as nothing out of the ordinary. The only person who seems to be emotionally invested in this woman's sudden death is her "second" husband, and he doesn't seem to be overly broken up by it. And his desire to remain behind in a country he hates and play detective is unfathomable. He's supposed to be clever enough to realize some mysterious plot is afoot, but not clever enough to realize it might be a good idea to get outta Dodge?

I don't mind being asked to suspend my disbelief a little - after all, television drama is not real life - but this show is asking way too much of me. I may try to catch another episode in the hopes of seeing some improvement, but it's really a very slim hope...
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