Review of Air Mater

Mater's Tall Tales: Air Mater (2011)
Season 1, Episode 10
"How would you like to be a Falcon Hawk?" . . .
27 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
. . . an elite flier based upon the Real Life American military's "Blue Angels" queries dilapidated tow truck "Mater" 2 minutes, 55 seconds into this Pixar short. This interrogative is the equivalent of "Col. Oliver North" asking actress "D. Moore" something like, "How would you like to become a Navy SEAL?" Or Sesame Street's "Bert and Ernie" trying to pound a square peg into a round hole. Or Diogenes looking for his man among Pachyderm Party nominations to the U.S. Supreme Court. But what can you expect from AIR MATER, when its film makers are bragging on their alternate DVD soundtrack about out-sourcing this production to Canada? We all KNOW about that Fantasy Land (aka, America's Northern Threat), where what cops there are gallop around on horses trying to keep their "Royal" crowns from slipping off, as a steady stream of terrorists rushes under their noses to threaten our U.S. Homeland. These air-headed Canadians see no problem picturing tow trucks as a first line of aerial defense, because in Real Life they've settled for comparable cheap, tawdry, ludicrous short cuts, endangering our American Homeland and the rest of the Modern, Civilized world!
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