Pretty damn good
28 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoy this show!

I love the '70s decor, the fashion, the hair, the cars, etc. I'm also big fan of strong women and I take every opportunity to watch a show or a movie or read a book with inspirational female leads. I have really enjoyed season one with these amazing women learning to be self-reliant and resilient no matter what is thrown at them and they have had a lot thrown at them! There's been infidelities, financial struggles, separation with children involved, mama drama, drugs, inhospitable work environments, gay boyfriends, etc.

My favorite character so far is Diana. She was probably my least favorite going into the series, but as the show progressed I found myself rooting for her and giving a little appreciative cheer after she finishes giving one of her incredibly inspiring (put you in your place/tell it like it is) speeches or pep talks.

When I looked "American Woman" up on IMDB I was initially stunned by the really low ratings and disappointed reviews. I'm obviously very happy with the show. Then I noticed that most of the unhappy viewers seem to have lived the '70s first hand and don't feel that it's being portrayed accurately. I understand that. I was born in 1981 and just missed the '70s by a hair. Still I've always been intrigued by this fascinating decade among others including two that I did live through-the '80s and '90s. I'm thinking that I'm probably able to watch this show more objectively because I didn't personally experience any of that time and I can't pretend to know what it was really like back then. I'm not comparing it to what it was actually like because I don't know. I can only compare it against what I've already been taught to think about the '70s based on movies and other tv shows which are probably not all that accurate either. Of course I would rather "American Woman" depict the '70s as it actually was, but with that said I still really enjoy it. I can't get enough of the the scenery, the fashion, the hair (of course), and the inspirational characters. It's also a very beautifully shot show. Each frame is stunning!

I sincerely hope that "American Woman" comes back for season two because I'm kind of hooked!
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