A Very Enjoyable Mediocre Movie
29 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers

Man, but I enjoyed this movie. I doubt it was intended to be anything special. Just some good, irreverent fun.

Even the irreverence isn't overwhelming - but be warned that if you consider yourself a fundamentalist Christian or otherwise believe in the reality of The Rapture - you will almost certainly be offended.

I enjoyed Anna Kendrick's mostly deadpan acting. I think it worked well with the hipsterish, ironic tone the movie. It's obviously not a serious movie, so why should any actor bust a gut?

The various methods of suffering with which God punishes the world are also met with a kind of detached ironic demeanor by the actors. Rain of blood, talking locusts, foul-mouthed crows, meteors - they are all part of the left-behind world. People get used to them.

The character of The Beast is a lot of fun as well. And there are some really cool bits and memorably funny lines.

One of my favorite bits - that lasted just a few seconds - involved a TV show called "Most Embarrassing Rapture Fails." Stupid? Sure. Funny? YEAH!

So... it's not an example of great filmmaking. It doesn't have a great script. The humor doesn't always work. But I think it's entertaining as... well... as Hell. (I didn't mean that the way it sounds. It's entertaining. Seriously.)
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