El secreto está en mezclarlo bien
2 October 2018
This is where is all starts. It was my freshman year in college (1988) when I walked into the local arthouse theatre near campus and saw "Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown." I was hooked! It transported me far from the formulaic and conventional American films of my upbringing into this wonderland filled with bold colors, rich Spanish voices, this brilliant soundtrack. It was simultaneously farcical, frenetic and absurdist. Inequívocamente de estilo madrileño. It was like watching an artist paint on his canvas. I can still hear the click-clack of Pepa's heels as she paces across the floor.

Almodovar is my favorite director and I have seen almost all of his films. In retrospect, Women seems quite tame vs. other Almodovar films from the 80's (!) and 90's. It is a good intro to those new to Almodovar and will always be near and dear to my heart.
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