Review of Venom

Venom (2018)
Even worse than I thought!
6 October 2018
I didn't even need the critics' opinion to know this movie sucks. The trailers looked horrendous with no potential whatsoever. I was even surprised Tom Hardy took the project, considering every movie he was in was at the very least good. Look, I went in knowing it's probably really bad, but I was HOPING for at least a few entertaining moments. Did I get it? NOPE.

Not only does the plot barely make ANY SENSE, everything about this movie is awful. The music, the dialog, the directing, the acting, the editing... Just a complete mess. Most of the action scenes had way too many cuts, the music was absolute garbage and didn't fit the movie for a second, the humor was truly awful and some of it didn't even make any sense, the villain's plan didn't make any sense at all (just like the main plot), there are literally no characters you give any crap about (not to mention that Michelle Williams's character didn't even have any sort of arc at all!!).

I'm actually not really surprised this movie was that horrible, I'm just surprised Tom Hardy took the project! Riz Ahmed is also very good, even though I only saw him at The Night Of. Michelle Williams is also such a fantastic actress, yet she's given so very little to work with because of that mess of a script. Those actors (and actress) really don't deserve to be in a movie like this.
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