A crazy ride of pure and addictive escapism
8 October 2018
I haven't enjoyed a film as much as The Good Exorcist in a very long time. This masterpiece draws you into the new world of Father Gil, a likeable and enclosed character, who reveals more about his past - and current bizarre career as Exorcist Extraordinaire - as the film progresses. Amazing cartoonish gore and regular visually brilliant breaks from the standard film format keep the novelty and entertainment at its height, as it becomes more about the ride than about a weighty plot line. I cannot wait until the next film. Literally the only film in ages that has let me switch off and grin. Like the best films, you don't need to be heavy handed to have a lot of fun and it's clear that the cast, and team behind it, with the insanely creative Josh Stifter directing, never let the hard work get in the way of a great movie. Yeah, I loved it.
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