SCTV Network: Rome, Italian Style (1982)
Season 2, Episode 1
Italian Film Parody and Jimmy Buffett
10 October 2018
The first sketch is Dave Thomas as Nostradamus, who is shown to be a loudmouth know it all that annoys everybody.

A running gag in this show is showing different sets of twins in parodies of The Patty Duke Show, complete with the theme song. First is Joe Flaherty in Identical Bell Hops, then Catherine O'Hara as Identical Cheese Hostesses and last and funniest is Eugene Levy as Identical OPEC Oil Ministers. There is a Money Talks segment where Brian Johns tries buying a condo but the nerd does not fit in with the rich jet setters.

Martin Short does a hilarious Jerry Lewis impression as Jerry performs on stage in France. He sings You'll Never Walk Alone in French, he cries and then screams at his musical director for not giving him a cue. A funny Great White North has Bob and Doug talking about dog scoopers in big cities like New York, where you have to scoop up after your dog after he does his "business".

The Days Of The Week introduces Martin Short as the real Billy McKay, who still has problems with amnesia. Rocco tells Wainwright the he will kill Violet at Clay's wedding.

There is a funny parody of Italian cinema with Rome, Italian Style. Flaherty plays a Marcello Mastroianni type who has fantasies to get away from his unfulfilling life with his wife, mother and bunch of kids.

Gil Fisher welcomes musical guest Jimmy Buffet and they go fishing from a hot air balloon. Buffett performs Slow Boat To China.

Some quick sketches include Mouse House, which is horror film with mice running through a maze that looks like real rooms in a house. Mayor Shanks talks about his chipped tooth and there is promo for the Making Of Dr X, Moranis as a pretentious English director and Dave as a temperamental star.

Skip Bittman is on Insight talking about his suicidal feeling. Final scene is Flaherty in a funny impression of Salvador Dali, giving drawing lessons.
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