The only aspect of this film worth seeing the poster
11 October 2018
Even The Matrix franchise is not immune to the curse of the trilogies; a curse spanning generations involving the triumphant success of a first film followed by waning enjoyment until a dull and dreary finale. The Dark Knight, The Hobbit, and rumourdly The Godfather, all succumbed to a similar result.

Following the cliffhanger of Reloaded, Revolutions fails to deliver what its successors could; namely: a decent plot. With a dull and boring script, this film drags from within the half-hour with minor appearances from the stars (i.e. Keanu Reeves and Hugo Weaving) leaving yourself to question why this film was made in the first place. Dramatic overacting on the part of minor-characters during overused gun sequences shifts the tone of this movie in a similar direction as Predator rather than the scintillating science-fiction narrative of The Matrix. Never mind the acting, the terrible choreography and extended action-scenes are over-dramatic, with each seeming like an experimental director trying to outdo the complexity of the first two films. With each dragging fight, you are left thinking to yourself: "When is this going to end?". The answer is never. The scars left by this movie leave senses of regret for two wasted hours, and moments that should conjure emotions of sadness or happiness, just conjure a feeling of relief that The Wachowski Brothers finally sparred us the torment of yet another cringy line.

The film tries to be philosophical and "clever" when it is in fact just seeming to use lines you find inside a fortune cookie. It is annoying and frustrating to see a seriously good franchise ruined by the greed to secure more profit for the company.
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