Review of Truth or Dare

Truth or Dare (2017 TV Movie)
Watched this by accident and was pleasantly surprised.
11 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
So I thought I was going to be watching the Truth or Dare with Lucy Hale, but not so much. Makes you wonder how these got made within a year of each other and what the backstory is there, but I digress. Here's what I liked. Despite ridiculous real-world implications being overlooked, everything stayed on a trajectory that made sense within the world of the story. Even though you never knew what the evil or the demon was, it was consistent, and I thought there were some cool elements like making things appear and some very unsettling video appearances. Here's what I was not thrilled about: I wish they didn't end the way they did but it was honestly too long anyway. I think if they spent a little more time with the last 25 mins of the movie it could've been good instead of just ok. My sense is that they ran out of time and budget, so I imagine the convo went like this. "Well, we have 2 days left, only enough money to pay two actors, we had to return all of the cars except one, but our sound effects guy is still here, we still have the house, and we have a ton of fake blood we haven't used." But we're left with the kind of mild choose-your-own adventure cliffhanger that I don't mind because at least you 90% know what happened. I have had it with completely nonsense endings that make you wonder what you watched at all. All in all, it was a little too gore-porn for me, and there was a gross -out I had to fast forward. I don't like watching people maim themselves, which made it harder to watch as it went along. It had some obvious plot holes, but not so many that they pull you out. And, in an extremely disturbing and messed up way, there was something to be said for the ways that the friends tried to help each other take the brunt of some really unpleasant tasks. I wouldn't watch it again, but if you're into the Hostel/TExas Chainsaw/Final Destination type stuff with a side of supernatural, you probably should.
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