Good, but not scientific or impartial
12 October 2018
Caulfield is a charming fellow, but it's obvious that he is extremely biased against anything that is not standard industry approved, and without any validation for feeling so. In his defense, there is a great deal of bad information available about nearly everything. However, he offers little to no scientific basis for his conclusions or determinations. Everything that is on trial under his review is guilty until proven innocent, and with hardly any facts or validity offered to backup his harsh judgements.

It is also FACT that there is a lot of bad science and falsified studies available on both sides of every issue he covers. He even sights studies that have been debunked when the reality is, some of the studies he sites may in fact end up being debunked themselves. Only time will tell. The cast of experts certainly have credentials, however they too all seem heavily biased, and conveniently there are typically several in favor of the remedies he aims to shoot down, and usually only one single expert aligned with him doing the shooting.

I was hoping this doc would offer some unbiased review and scientific weighing of these topics with facts, validations, and experimentation instead of hurling persuasive arguments as thought based ammunition for sharing his view in a case closed manor.

I challenge you Mr. Caulfied, don't just SAY things are obviously false, prove it with the scientific method you so gallantly defend and then maybe I will subscribe to your opinions.
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