The Legend of Halloween Jack: Being a tad generous here
13 October 2018
The Legend of Halloween Jack is a British horror movie that tells the story of a serial killer who returns from the grave after being killed by vigilantes. Brought back as scarecrow.............for some reason, he sets about getting revenge.

Though the cinematography is strong enough, the lack of budget is demonstrated everywhere else. From the weak cast to the shoddy sfx it's a masterclass of amateur film making.

Though the killer looks okay his presence is ruined by cutaway/poor deaths and the fact we've seen that very same appearance before. Erm, why was he a scarecrow again?

The plot also is heavily recycled, there is very little in the way of originality here and though it's not the worst of its ilk that I've seen it's still a mess.

I've seen a fair few of Andrew Jones movies now and don't believe off the top of my head that I've seen a good one. This shows signs of competence, but only dashes.

The Good:

Script is better than you'd imagine

The Bad:

Opening credits are bafflingly irrelevant and poorly thought out

Laughable blood sfx

Crappy kills

CGI graves, really?

Moronic horror trope finale

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

Blood packs are expensive

Sticking a pencil in a guys butthole isn't gay

Seeing a person in a halloween costume at a halloween party will cause mass panic
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