Poor Slasher With Disappointing Gore
14 October 2018
Hailed as a throwback to old-school slashers but in reality this is an incredibly poor movie with very little going for it.

While I did guess the identity of the killer before the film even reached the halfway mark, there is another twist towards the end involving the killers mother that is indeed quite twisted. The Santa costume is also quite good, and there are a couple of decent gore scenes. That's it for the positives.

Most of the gore, while plentiful, just isn't very entertaining and the killers weapon of choice (a pair of hedge clippers) isn't utilized to its full potential.

Furthermore, the acting is wooden, with few exceptions, and the majority of the characters are obnoxious teenagers who make some of the dumbest decisions you've ever seen. There's also a pointless shower scene with no nudity, and the movie completely ignores a golden opportunity for a lesbian scene. I felt cheated.

In short, a failure that obviously doesn't know its audience very well, not that I'm the biggest slasher fan to begin with. For desperate gorehounds only.
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