Do not waste your time or money on this!
20 October 2018
Cool looking cover, I picked this up in the DVD budget section whilst out shopping. Pity I didn't read the production credits on the back cover first, had I seen director's name Andrew Jones then I would have left well alone ,having had the misfortune to sit some of his other movies. It was filmed in South Wales, Britain, yet laughably - like some of his previous works - tries to pass itself off as American. Half the characters have British accents, the other half are failed attempts by bad actors trying to be American. As for the rest of the film it's simply awful. Rubbish killer. Very little gore. Bad acting. Bad script. The only good thing here are random clips from various old horror movies (White Zombie, NOTLD, Carnival of Souls, etc), but what purpose they serve I dont know. The worst film that I have seen with the word Halloween in it's title by a long shot, my advice is give it a miss!
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