Wildly low-budget Star Wars/Mad Max hybrid is endearingly dumb
22 October 2018
Super low-budget sci-fi film looks as cheap at the original "Evil Dead," but lacks the inventiveness of that film (although comparisons to Sam Raimi for inventiveness is probably not all that fair). A starship pilot returns to earth to find it under alien control. Don't expect any futuristic cities or big sets. This is a bunch of dudes in the forest fighting aliens in bad make-up. I did enjoy the spaceship special effects for the space sequences, the but earthbound scenes are pretty weak. Still, as badly written, directed (by Brett Piper), and acted by it's cast of no-name actors, the film has a charm to it and it does have an exuberant fun feel of a bunch of friends who got together to make a goofy movie. Taken on that level, you might enjoy this piece of bad cinema, but don't go into this film expecting anything actually good (not even at "Hell Comes to Frogtown" levels of competent filmmaking).
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