Dialogue contrived. Plot weak.
23 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
So much of the conversation in this movie is the same. The pace of the dialogue is contrived at best and a snore at its worst. The actors feel like they're just regurgitating lines. So much of the "backstory" is soooo weak. I mean, the movie, in it's entirety, is contrived backstory or repetition of the whole "they're obviously not gonna score yet again because they have burned their bridges".

Odd voice over about how often the one guys waits for dope (some odd sincere moment)

followed by more not-scoring

followed by the one character insisting they commit a violent crime

followed by a convo about the violent characters Dad's communication with him thru email (odd sincere moment)

followed by the repetition of the above.

It's like Spun minus all the character depth, humor and side plots.
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