Wow...an Askey film I really liked!
25 October 2018
While I really liked Hay's movies, Aksey's left me flat. So, I was a bit hesitant when I found "Make Mine a Million" on YouTube today. Fortunately, my assumption was wrong...and this Askey film is delightful and clever.

Arthur is a lowly (and barely competent) make-up man for British TV. However, his life is about to change tremendously. This is because he develops a friendship with a man who makes Bonko laundry detergent....and he manages to insert an ad for Bonko into a broadcast! Then, he manages to do it again when a horse race is being televised. Immediately, the public go crazy for the soap...so much so that a cake mix company comes to Arthur to ask him to do some gorilla-style advertising for them as well! What's next? See the film.

The plot is very clever. Think about it...a guy managing to create ways for products to be inserted into live broadcasts in order to save costs on advertising! The police are naturally NOT happy about it. Can Arthur manage to do this without going to jail? And, what happens when Arthur becomes a sensation and the public want more of him?!

Overall, a lovely film and it makes me think perhaps I was too hasty in disliking Askey.
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