Review of Riddick

Riddick (2013)
Riddick: Crippled by one poorly chosen scene
26 October 2018
I've been unimpressed by the Riddick franchise, I think Pitch Black (2000) was both where it started and it peaked.

This final entry was rather a surprise, who'd have thought that they'd have made another movie considering how badly Chronicles of Riddick (2004) bombed? Partially funded by Diesel himself it's hard to argue his commitment to the project.

So almost a decade after the last full entry (Not including the animations) we pick up where we left off. Riddick is Grand Marshall of the Necromongers but things quickly go south after they turn on him and leave him for dead.

The plot is actually sound as is the general creation of the movie. I found myself impressed which I certainly didn't expect. The movie is more akin with Pitch Black than Chronicles of Riddick, they clearly went back to the drawing board and the movie is considerably better for it.

On a budget out about quarter of the previous movie it's shocking just how much better it all looks, in fact every aspect is superior. Also starring the excellent Katee Sackhoff I was gripped more than I had been since the first movie, it was really quite enjoyable.

Fairly early on however I was hoping that a certain death wouldn't occur, I knew if it did then the movie would be damaged beyond repair and about halfway through my fear materialised. Had this event not transpired you'd have me just ranting about how much of a wonderful surprise Riddick was and how much I enjoyed it. Instead I'll say it's the second best movie in the franchise, but should have been the best. Poor decision making killed the film and has left it merely passable.

Good addition despite the hefty flaw.

The Good:

Katee Sackhoff

Looks considerably better than the previous film which had 4 times the budget

Well played out story

The Bad:

"That" death should not have happened

Sets up for a sequel that will never come

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

Even in the future on other planets people are stupid enough to smoke
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