I Love You, America: Cory Booker (2018)
Season 1, Episode 18
Bait & Switch
30 October 2018
"With 'I Love You, America', she's looking to connect with people who may not agree with her personal opinions through honesty, humor, genuine interest in others, and not taking herself too seriously. " That was always the show I wanted to see and unfortunately there's maybe 4 episodes of the 18 where that actually happens. Last week was the episode promised to us by HULU and Sarah Silverman, only for the next episode to fall back to the familiar, "Sarah talks to people that completely agree with her." It's lucky that I can watch these episodes for free on the 94% of the internet that Google doesn't index.

The beginning and for most of the first half of the show, Sarah ridicules Donald Trump (again) and Christian Conservatives because, "she's looking to connect with people who may not agree with her personal opinions through honesty, humor, genuine interest in others, and not taking herself too seriously". She then has a SNL style parody with her talking to the Statue of Liberty as played by the lovable Maya Rudolph. It's more soap-boxing and talking to people as if we're ignorant. She waives the privileges of her status with a commentary on immigration. She invokes a superior-than-thou attitude towards others if she were teaching pre-schoolers. It's like that one friend who eats kale and then goes into long explanations about what kale is and why you should eat it too. Who exactly is her audience supposed to be anyway? I'm fairly certain the far-right individuals she thinks she's speaking to either never watched or quit listening after Episode 3 with sex predator Al Franken. I might assume she just wants to hear herself talk, or maybe she desperately needs people to think she's smart. At times it feels like she's putting on a show just for her ex-boyfriend (the very political) Michael Sheen. I can't pretend to know what happened with their relationship, but it seems like she's bitter about the breakup. How else am I supposed to think; The consensus of her show is animosity with a smile. She pleads with viewers that she's only trying to help, but it's an uncertain sympathy that reeks of control issues.

15 minutes into Episode 18 we're shown Cory Booker and Sarah going through a drive-thru. "Hey look how down-to-earth and funny Cory Booker is! Gee, I sure hope he runs for President!" Cory Booker as most of us remember was the mayor-made-famous after Hurricane Katrina. The Democratic Party noticed his spotlight and brought him right up for a Senate position. He's been the best puppet he can be for them. See, on one side of the coin Cory will demand comity & tolerance stating we need unity in our country - DUH - But, with a quick flip of the coin Cory preaches as a matter of moral urgency that the other party is "evil", and "we" need to stop them. I'm sure he's going to rally this country together when it's his turn to run for President of the Democratic Cult of Personality; I'm predicting a 2024 run. During the General Election we'll hear Cory's passion for love & peace through paid commercials - only for the inevitable flip in the Primary Election where "Republicans are going to be the end of the world". It reminds me of Southern Baptist ministers who ask for money for all the good they can do for others, while in the last hour, fire & brimstone will consume us all if we let everyone use whichever bathroom they want. Nowadays both parties have an extreme lean, and neither party believes they are guilty of it ... because they're too busy pointing fingers ... just like 'I Love You America' does.
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