The Flash: News Flash (2018)
Season 5, Episode 4
A Frustrating "The Flash" Leads To Being The Worst Season 5 Episode So Far...
31 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
An mediocre episode of "The Flash" highlights some of the best and worst aspects of a normally good (except season 4 and some of 3) TV series. The good being the direction, acting and humor thrown in. The bad being just how horrible of a person Iris is to Nora and the letdown of the villain of the week.

We finally learn why Iris is hated by Nora and the reason is... a bit of a letdown if I'm honest. Iris suppresses Nora's powers in the future and never tells her that she has them. Yep, you read that correctly, she NEVER tells her about them. I've written about Iris before in previous reviews but she has never made me so infuriated to the point where I say "I hope your character dies" out loud, but now, I really do. I'd completely understand if Iris didn't tell Nora about her powers when Nora is a child, but, to not tell her when Nora is an adult is despicable and she should be ashamed of herself. Also, Barry taking Iris's side in the argument with her and Nora without having good evidence as to why Iris is right is just... a horrible thing to do to Nora. God, I hated that subplot.

Now that I've gotten that out of the way, lets get to the better aspects of this weeks episode. I liked the introduction with the West Allen family trying to have breakfast together and the softball stuff. I also liked the idea of the mask and Joe taking Nora in at the end of the episode. And... that's about it, besides the previously mentioned acting and direction.

Unfortunately, there isn't a lot to talk about in this weeks episode review because it isn't a worthwhile episode to watch. It's thoroughly mediocre and a massive disappointment and step backwards in a show where its just finding its feet again after a terrible fourth season.


  • Nora is still a really fun element of the show.
  • I loved Joe taking Nora in his home.
  • The Direction, acting and editing is fine.
  • Softball section is fine.

  • Iris is infuriating as usual.
  • Barry taking Iris's side in the argument.
  • The villain of the week is crap.
  • The CGI in the fight between Flash and Nora is... mediocre.

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