Review of Unsane

Unsane (2018)
31 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I just finished watching and I can honestly say that I genuinely enjoyed this film!

If you appreciate a good psychological thriller you will be sure to enjoy this film. It's best that you go into it knowing as little about it as possible.


From the beginning I was hooked. As she was talking to that counselor I knew that she was digging herself into a very deep hole. I've been on the other side of it myself. You have to be very careful when discussing suicide with a health care professional, especially a mental health professional. I don't know how much insurance has to do with it. It has everything to do with it in the film, but from what I understand they are obligated to report it if they feel you're suicidal and if you do hurt yourself and they had any inclination that you would they could get in serious trouble. The counselor in the film didn't give a crap about her actual well being. It seems her job was solely to make money for the facility by baker acting sane people. You can't help but hate her and the rest of the staff, although you don't see her again after the initial session.

I'm so glad that I watched this film knowing very little about it. I was in awe when I heard that the entire movie was filmed on an iPhone. I love the concept and it certainly added to the already tense creepy atmosphere. Some people have left negative reviews saying it looked amateurish. I 100% disagree. I love the way this movie was filmed! I have sensitive eyes and watching "The Arrival" gave me a horrendous headache. I enjoyed the film, but it was so dark and difficult to see in most scenes! I didn't have that problem with this film. It was all great.

I felt the main character's frustration, confusion, anger and fear. She didn't realize that she was being committed at first, but I sure knew. I saw some other reviewers that commented that this film is too unrealistic. I can honestly say that when you are in a place like that you feel that powerless. It does feel like jail and it is scary and you do feel like you've been stripped of all your rights as a human being.

I appreciate that we have several moving parts going on here. We've got a corporation committing sane people for insurance money, we've got someone who is on the inside taking notes and reporting back to his employer about the fraud, and last, but certainly not least we've got the relentless psycho stalker that will stop at nothing. Oh! Let's not forget we've got everyone from the receptionist to the administration trying to cover their tracks. It's a lot, but not too much. I found this film to be different and refreshing. A welcome change from the same crap Hollywood is always throwing at us. I feel bad for all of the one star ratings this film received because I really feel the director and everyone involved in this project tried very hard to give us something good and something different and in my humble opinion they did!
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