Farhope Tower (2015)
Inaccurate - do your research before finalizing your script!
1 November 2018
The inaccuracies abound in this film beginning with the network phone call (no network executive would suggest that a team enter a dangerous location - the lawsuits would be astronomical - much less deliver an ultimatum the equivalent of, "If you don't do this, we won't pick up your show." Not 20 minutes later, a character suffers a horrible fall, which results in a visibly splintered open compound fracture. What does the other female character say? "I'm gonna have to reset this." Um...NO! You can't reset a bone that broken! How hard is it to fact-check these types of things? Not hard at all! It takes mere seconds. Come on, folks! You've taken a film with tremendous potential and turned it into something which tempts the viewers to walk out on it out of sheer annoyance.
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