The Flash: News Flash (2018)
Season 5, Episode 4
What Has Happened to This Show...
3 November 2018
I'm not sure what most people are seeing with season 5 and why they think it's been a quality show, but I have found next to nothing about this season to be redeemable. We have a fake news meta, one of the single worst scenes in CW history (with the softball game), an absence of Cisco for no good reason, and the continuing lack of any sort of intimidating villain. In all seriousness, who thought that softball scene was something worth putting on television? And the performances this season haven't been great, but it really all comes down to the writing. If this show had any sort of guts, they would stop adding characters to an increasingly packed show, and find a way to creatively remove them from season to season. With the addition of Nora, the series regulars consist of: Barry, Cisco, Caitlin, Joe, whatever horrible version of Wells we have, Ralph, Cecille, Iris, Nora, and Cicada. That's 10 people you have to give warranted screen time to week to week. This is compared to around 5 or 6 during the first season. It's just too much, and this show is on the brink of losing my interest completely.

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