One of two things is true...
3 November 2018
... either Alexandra Pelosi is the best actress in the history of the world, or she truly does get it and needs to have a long talk with mom (Nancy Pelosi) and see if any of it can rub off. She starts off by mentioning that she comes from a part of the world (San Francisco) where women protest Trump and his policies by dressing up as vaginas and marching. It is encouraging that she realizes the rest of the nation probably sees this as tragically weird.

In a single hour long documentary, Alexandra Pelosi decides to go "outside the bubble" of her coastal eite enclaves and talk with people who feel differently than she does about current events and politics, and see if she can see why these people feel the way that they do.

She went to Sutherland Springs, Tx where a gunman had killed 26 people inside a small church there to talk about gun violence and ask if the loss had changed their minds on the issue. She went to Alabama to ask folks how they reconcile voting for Roy Moore with their religious outlook. She went to Pennsylvania and West Virginia to talk to coal miners who had recently lost their jobs and ask if they felt betrayed by Trump. She went to Charlottesville to talk about the Confederate statues and racism. She went to Port Arthur to ask the folks there, hit hard by Hurricane Harvey, how they felt about global warming, And finally she went to the California/Mexico border to talk to people about the wall and illegal immigration.

I don't think she was condescending or belligerent at all. She would ask an initial question and just let the subjects talk. I think I can summarize that when it came to the religious questions, if you didn't have the viewpoint of the people interviewed you were just not going to get it. However, the folks in Appalachia and Port Arthur did give relatable arguments. It boiled down to - "What do we care about global warming if we have no jobs? Employed liberals can afford to talk about this, we are just trying to survive". I think Pelosi did get this, because she repeated it a couple of times.

In the closing segment on the border, it was really hard to argue the point with the young Trump supporter about the Antifa. Either Pelosi filmed, or he had filmed prior, encounters with the ironically named Antifa where he was merely counter protesting - he never laid a hand on them. And they repeatedly responded by hitting him with a club until finally he was bleeding from his mouth and the top of his head. How brave of the masked men in black.

Pelosi mentioned at several points where she disagreed with what many of the people believed, but she had to admit that she was never short on invitations to dinner from folks who didn't have that much to go around.

I'm knocking a single point off because she didn't go to the Midwest and interview in the Republican strongholds there. But maybe that is just too much for one short documentary. I'd strongly recommend this one.
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