Review of Pressed

Pressed (2011)
There is very little action in this "action movie". It fizzles out fast.
3 November 2018
When you start hitting the fast-forward button while watching a movie, you might as well turn it off and watch something else. So it goes with Pressed. When is something going to happen? You wait, and you wait.

Here's my brief summary:

Laid-off white collar sales director Brian finds his way to a dive bar. He hasn't told his wife yet that he got fired; she is out of town with their toddler. The bar owner chats it up with Brian, then proposes a get-rich-quick scheme. Brian only needs to invest his last $100,000. He needs to bring the money in cash, in the proverbial briefcase. They will both have more than enough money when the deal is completed.

Somehow two joy-riding high schoolers find their way into the story. The only problem is that the Director (or screen writer) of this film takes forever to bring the kids face to face with Brian. You feel like you are watching two separate movies. When they do meet up, the story becomes too bizarre to be believed.

And the ending? I won't spoil it for you, other than to say that it leaves you with a pile of unanswered questions. (I watched two different versions of this movie on YouTube, thinking the first one had edited out part of the ending. It hadn't).

I rate Pressed "5" for the great scenery and camera work. I cannot recommend that you watch it.
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