Ron Howard!
6 November 2018
Well, this is a very strange and funny video that I found on YouTube. It's hard to tell whether something I see on the Internet would have its own page here. Anyway, this is a retelling of the comic books that featured the death and return of Superman, as the title suggests. I should be confused by this, as I haven't read many Superman comics. I'm on TVTropes so much I understand most of this story already. The weirdest thing is that this has some big name celebrities.

It's fairly obvious the budget is low because it's just people dressed in goofy costumes. If the budget was low, how were they able to get the celebrities? Must have spent all their budget on them. Anyway, this is a very funny video. It's great to point out all the weird things going on in that story, especially with these cheesy costumes. Any Superman fan should enjoy it. ***1/2
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