So awful it makes you love "Fifty Shades of Gray" in comparison!
6 November 2018
"Fifty Shades of Black" is yet another film in the idiotic teenager parody genre. This overused genre consists of many movies currently on IMDB's Bottom 100 list....with the likes of "Disaster Movie" (#1), "Epic Movie" (#12), "Date Movie" (#24), "Scary Movie V" (#50), "The Starving Games" (#44) and "Extreme Movie" (#99). "Fifty Shades of Black", incidentally, is #65 on this infamous list of badness. Unlike other films in this god-awful genre, this film is a parody of another film on the infamous Bottom 100 list, the original "Fifty Shades of Gray" (#92).

This film is a bit different from the other crappy parodies I mentioned above. It is more a silly version of the original film and is NOT a parody of a dozen or more other films (which the above garbage films all are). Also, not surprisingly, it's MUCH more sexually-oriented...as "Fifty Shades of Gray" was a highly sexualized story. But this is much more crude than I even expected...and crude and unfunny scenes were piled on atop the other! It also has a lot of content that might make the more left-leaning audience members cringe or become furious. The leading man in this film is rich and successful like the one in the original story...BUT because he's black (Marlon Wayans), he says he made his fortune selling crack and sucking....well...IMDB won't let me say more about that. This is NOT the most positive and uplifting sort of black man, that's for sure!

As far as the story goes, it's terrible....so terrible I found I much preferred the original film...which I still strongly dislike. Yes, they managed to make a worse version of an already terrible movie! Offensive, brain-numbingly stupid, crude beyond belief, and, sadly, a film marketed mostly towards younger folks (whose growing brains really don't need this!). Currently, this film is #65 on the Bottom 100....I think that is way, way too generous...especially after seeing the Florence Henderson (I am NOT kidding) sex scene!
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