An Honest Review
7 November 2018
This one is not what documentaries like this used to be. Once upon a time there were a run of films like this, in the early 2000s, that focused heavily on how entities evolved to their downfall into corruption. They dealt with them evenhandedly and presented the viewer with honest information.

The Corporation, Outfoxed, Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room, all tackled partisan topics in a very informative and honest way.

This doesn't. If you watched "Outfoxed" they talk about the "drum beat" that Fox News used to lead the viewers into supporting the Wars. Unfortunately, you can hear the same repetitive drumbeat in Money For Nothing, and that drumbeat is just as vapid.

In The Corporation and Enron, the films dealt with the evolution of the topics they covered to explain how it went wrong. Money for Nothing says nothing on that and, instead, resorts to the drum beat of repetition in place of actual facts and researched opinions.

Ultimately, what you get seems more like an Alex Jones style conspiracy theory than a researched documentary. It's not worth watching, it might make you even less informed on the topic.
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