Say what?
10 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The most exciting piece is the beginning, where we are being told, that it is Belgium, December 44 and apparently there's a war going on. Of course, as it is quite usual for European winter, the sun is shining, the leaves are green, the forest is quiet and welcoming and there's not a single snowflake around. How lucky, cos at supposedly the same time, just a few miles away, in Bruges, Americans were freezing in the knee high snow, Anyone cares to explain why there are some fires randomly scattered around for no reason? Then we got a bunch of American GIs, still in their battle gear, walked by German soldiers, who again, for no reason decide to waste time on digging a hole and then proceed to murder two captives. Why only two you ask? Well, the evil can not prevail, so our POWs are finally deciding that enough is enough, and in a twisted turnaround they kill their captors. Enough is enough, so I say, no reason to watch this rubbish anymore. .
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