Lest we forget....a very respectful episode honoring our fallen (men and women) soldiers
11 November 2018
Regardless of our place of birth this season 9 episode 4 holds a very special place in my heart and I thank the producers/director for honoring all of our military around the world (especially in the USA) for their service to our country, and for the world.

Too often we breeze over the sacrifices that so many brave soldiers (both men and women) and their loved ones have made so that our respective countries can live free and safe from other dictators who would otherwise force their beliefs on our free nation(s).

This particular episode shares two of the casts own stories Jerry Ortega (Jorge Garcia), and Junior Reigns (Beulah Koale) as Junior has been designated to return the body of a fallen soldier to his family back in Hawaii. Junior does not personally know why this young man who lost his life in battle designated Junior to be the one to return his body back to his family but eventually we find out and the reason is simple enough but yet still hard to accept from a parental nature.

To all the military men and women "we gratefully thank you for your service to your country" ...lest we forget.
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