A Disappointment
12 November 2018
I have a lot questions about some of the practices this show addresses and thought I would find the answers in this show. I was disappointed.

Professor Caulfield does exactly the same thing that people who promote activities like ionized foot bath detoxing do. He makes a proclamation but never does any testing or explains why it doesn't work. For example, he states that the color and material in foot bath detoxing is the result of the iron in the foot bath and not detoxing. He might be right but he never actually does any tests of the water to find out if the foot bath water with someone's feet in it is the same as foot bath water without someone's feet in it. I have heard other claims about ionized foot baths. For example, the detox substances come out in your urine several days after the foot bath, or that someone who swims in chlorinated pools has foot bath water that smells like chlorine. He does not have a knowledgeable proponent of these practices on to present why it works and then use science and testing to prove it doesn't work. He just makes a declaration.

He brings on "experts" but what makes these people experts? He never tells us. I find his approach very similar to the people that promote these practices. There are lots of pronouncements and testimonials from "experts" but no real science or testing to back anything up.

He also says people that promote these practices are motivated by money because they sell books, movies and products. Gee, isn't that exactly what he is doing in this movie and in his books? What would make this show credible is if he had a knowledgeable proponent of these practices talk on film and then showed the science and test that proved what the proponent was claiming is false. If this show did this I would give it 10 stars.

Basically, if you don't like "new age" treatments and are looking for confirmation of your beliefs you will like this movie. If you are looking for unbiased science you will be disappointed.

I have done some of the practices that this show addresses and gotten healthy. Would I have gotten better whether I did these things or not? Was "time" what healed me and not the practice? Maybe. I don't know. This show doesn't answer these questions in an unbiased way and the show engages in the same pseudo-science it attacks.

By the way, he is a professor of law not science or medicine, so he has no educational training in the topics he is addressing. Properly prescribed prescription medicine kills over 100,000 people a year. Prescription medicine, radiation, chemotherapy, and surgery have a large number of terrible outcomes including death. So if you are sick going the conventional path sometimes has terrible consequences.
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