I Before Thee (2018)
Nice story AWFUL acting
13 November 2018
First, anyone giving this 9 or 10 stars, just ignore their review - they've either got a brain tumor or it's a fake review. There is no way anyone could honestly give this film a high rating. The best actors are the children. The doctor talks rubbish, when asked how girl got cancer he responds "as with any form of cancer, it's unknown" and the main actors are wooden to the point that they seem bored with their own poor acting. Mostly the film is superficial in the dialogue and execution. The story itself is actually quite touching, and yes I like a feel good Christian movie. Because the theme is quite sad and story concept is ok, the film redeems itself from being 1 star. However the acting just grinds away at you making the whole thing difficult to get involved in.
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