Knocked it out of the ball park.
14 November 2018
Unbelievable quality and attention to detail, with wall to wall Easter eggs and callbacks. As a Rusty Lake fan I had toweringly high expectations which were all exceeded. Brilliant acting, sets and lighting, all in tune with the in-game world. In fact the game to film continuity is so good it's creepy XD Absolutely flawless.

Wait...I didn't tell you what the film was about. There's a detective but his memories belong to the lake now, near the hotel, which has the crow, or was it the owl? But not the parrot. Harvey appears of course, since the past is not dead, it's...well you know. I can't have been the only one yelling for Dale not to go near the mirror, but I counted his ears so Ok. Best cameo was definitely the matches, the whole thing would have been unrecognizable without them.

For those of you for whom that made no sense- sorry. Even after you've seen all the games, it doesn't actually get much clearer than that. And that is the brilliance of it.
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