The Gospel and the false gospel
15 November 2018
This movie accurately depicts the Gospel as presented in God's word and shows the history, absurd growth, and danger that is the Word of Faith movement and how it cannot be the true gospel. From an hour long fantastically presented gospel, to the deconstruction of this movement and testimonials of people who have come out of it. I ahave recommended this movie to a ton of people I know and will be showing it to people who are currently subscribing to this false doctrine as a means of challenging them. My wife and I have been greatly encouraged, challenged, and our faith and resolved has been strenghtened. Thank you for creating this documrntary, and we pray it will continue to send shockwaves throughout christiandom, evangelical cirlces, word of Faith adherents and the world at large. May God bless this work and continue to save the lost and further How kingdom and Glory. For Christ alone.
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