Higher Power (2018)
Amazing Visuals & Some Truly Original Science FIction Ideas
17 November 2018
I was not expecting much from this but boy was I wrong!

Starts off a bit pedestrian but slowly builds into a really well crafted and visually stunning movie that blows everything else this year out of the water.

Some deep and thought worthy ideas that will make you think and that is what makes this one stand out for me, most especially when you consider the tiny budget it was made on. Compare this to turds like Pacific Rim II which had tens of millions wasted this is a masterpiece in comparison!

If you like your brain tweaked , are desperate for some real Science Fiction ideas that have not been copied a million times over and want to see what clever CGI guys can do with a small budget like John Carpenter and his crew did years ago on similar budgets then give it a go - you might just be surprised - I was!!!
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