Review of Pandemic

Pandemic (2007)
Major Blooper From Fay
26 November 2018
I'm a can of disaster movies and I don't know why. A high rating from me for 90% of them would be a 5 out of 10.

But Pandemic has a good cast and even though it is lengthy, I'm watching on Amazon Prime so I can break it into pieces.

But I did manage to sit up and take not when the Guv, Fay Dunaway, delivered her Marshall Law address. She declared a "dawn to dusk curfew". So the hapless folks of LA can raise the roof at night but come sunrise, they have to be put away their fangs retreat to their homble abodes.

It amazes me that a mistake like that can make to the final cut. But that's what makes watching these types of films fun.
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